Sunday, March 27, 2016

SOLSC - Transport Trucks Sri Lankan Style

We had been on the road for only twenty minutes and already three vivid images are etched in my mind. I was in the back seat with no way to photograph what I was seeing. Staying in our lane on the left we would come raring up behind a vehicle, our driver poking his nose out to the right to see if it was possible to pass in the oncoming lane. The truck in front of us was open in the back and at first glance looked like a load of hay. (In fact, keeping with family traditions, the little one declared, "Hay!") I then asked if she noticed all of the terra-cotta pots peaking out.  A few minutes later we passed a truck piled high with coconuts complete with stripped stalks of the branches across the back to keep them from rolling out. When we passed the truck absolutely stuffed with pineapples there was no sort of barrier across the back, yet the fruit stayed out. I can only figure that the rough exterior as well as the clumps at the apex of each fruits keeps them wedged in place. 

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